Unconferenz 2012 was the 5th in an annual series that started in 2008. After 5 years we’ve managed to keep the event going without big overhead and have remained grassroots, participant driven. The unique quality of the Unconferenz is that it is reflective of the times. Participants generate the session topics and represent what is of interest or pressing. This year we had sessions like Social Innovation, Design Thinking, Hawaii Innovation Alliance, Co-Working Summit, Makerspace/Hackerspace, Gadgets, Code for America, Broadband Initiative, Social Media, Infographics, 3D Printing, iPhone/Android programming and others. To top off the event added a new feature, the Ignite session.
I am in the process of gathering the notes from each of the sessions and posting them. We hope to also have the video from each of the Ignite talks from Ignite Honolulu 3 at Unconferenz 2012.
In the meantime here are the great posts and associated content generated from the event: